Eliana Bock, LMSW, IFS

therapist in long island

Licensed Social Worker & IFS Informed Therapist

Sometimes you wonder if things can get better.

You feel so disconnected. 

You thought you've moved on from what happened to you in the past, but it's like your body is still living with the stress, anxiety and depression. You have intense feelings all the time...It's impacting you too much to just keep going this way. Relationships are tense or falling apart, you worry about your work and there is no balance between what you do for others and what you do for yourself. 

Something has to change, but when you try things on your own, you either lose momentum or just can't see how to get there.

Hi, I'm Eliana

I’m here to help you.

Therapist for Anxiety in Long Island.

I’m a therapist with advanced training in Anxiety and Trauma Work in Cedarhurst, NY. As a professional, I work with children, families, and adolescents. I specialize in treating anxiety, depression, self esteem, body image issues, relationship challenges, and crisis intervention.

I’m here to help you lean into the power of acceptance and walk alongside you as healing begins.

Sessions and appointments are available in our Cedarhurst, NY office, and virtually!

We all go through this journey called ‘life’, and yet each of us has a unique experience of how that plays out.

Oftentimes, we don’t realize how our past experiences show up in our present daily lives. Or maybe some of us have come to that understanding, but we are lost on next steps, and what to do with that information. As humans, we each have various layered reactions (often due to underlying causes) which can hinder our levels of functioning: emotionally, physically and spiritually. 

It’s my goal to help foster more awareness of underlying roots, orient us to how the symptoms are related today in the here and now, while also providing a clear “how to” path forward.

Through therapy, I work with my clients to help guide them in exploring, understanding, and accepting their past and present experiences- creating a new lens of self compassion. Together, we will learn what tools work best for them to ease their different symptoms, improve well-being, and meet their therapeutic goals. 

Is this you?

  • Is it sometimes difficult to feel connected to yourself and others?

  • Are you trying to understand why you are doing certain behaviors, or repeating patterns?

  • Do intense feelings come up when you are around specific people or situations?

  • Are you struggling with interpersonal relationships, feeling lost, stuck, or confused?

  • Do you wonder what it would be like to feel confident and more secure in life?

  • Are you feeling affected by past experiences but unsure exactly what and how? 

No matter what you’re going through today, there is hope for a different future. 

Our subconscious loves to be in the driver seat, and by that, I mean, we aren’t always conscious of how deeply things we experience in life affect us, or why they affect us. We simply learn to cope however we can for survival and tap into resiliency, but our minds and body still store and remember those experiences and the mark they left. 

It’s time to get in the driver’s seat of your life.

Instead of letting life happen to you, you will guide your life where you’d like it to go.

What happens is when the challenge, or intrusive thoughts, or heavy feelings are overwhelming and our coping skills or our will to “power through” is maxed out -we start having symptoms show up, mismatched reactions, and an overall feeling of helplessness might creep in. 

You’re not alone. Together, we can do this.

This is a normal response to trauma, or compounding difficult dynamics you are facing. We all need support to navigate the ups and downs of this life. 

When You’re In Session with Me….

We first start addressing what is impacting you right now, so you can find the energy and space to heal the deeper parts of you that have been hurting for a long time. We will work together to explore, understand, accept and heal.  You will learn how to befriend the hard emotions, without them taking you down everyday.

My hope is that we create space for you to begin to accept the challenges you're facing, understand your thoughts and feelings, while also celebrating steps forward, noticing the little victories as well as the big ones.

I utilize evidence-based approaches and a variety of modalities, including: 

I specialize in helping clients struggling with:

  • Understanding Inner Self Worth

  • Anxiety

  • Interpersonal Relationships

  • Trauma History

  • Emotional Regulation 

  • Depression

  • Difficult Family Dynamics 

  • Intrusive Thoughts

    I’m here to support you on your healing journey, reach out today!

Nuts & Bolts of my experience…

Hunter Silberman School of Social Work 

Masters in Social Work

CUNY Queens College

BA in Sociology

Feel Well Psychology | Psychotherapist

Bright Futures | HCBS Provider

YES Community Counseling Center

Social Work Intern

East Lake Elementary School Social Work Intern

Yachad Day Habilitation

Social Work Intern


CBT for Anxiety 

IFS Internal Family Systems Training

I’m here to support you on your healing journey, reach out today!

Esther Goldstein